written on the wall
about me
Jonathan Francis Ong Ju-Tsiang slash Paddy
]][::that's all :D |
maystar * designs
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 |
who am i kidding. i obviously can't get anything right. encouragement is a cliché and it's difficult to find any that is sincere, not brought about by social decorum, said without pretence or without an ulterior motive and truly encouraging. "i don't get many things right the first time in fact, i am told that a lot" that i ami ami am the luckiest
# posted by J.FO @ 3:14 am
Monday, January 30, 2006 |
one order of handshake, and a diet ego please.
you know. we've been like having all these quarrels and arguments and it got me feeling rather upset. then i realised that they are also good signs. the reason why we argue so strongly about it shows that we're passionate about it. we actually give a damn and it makes me happy. also, it shows that we're willing to voice it out. willing to be open about it. so, yay again. and you know, even when i keep asking myself why we're doing this if we keep arguing and fighting about it; when i ask myself what's the whole purpose of it, i just think back to the time(s) when we played the singer in front of people. the feeling we had, that vibe we shared when we were all moving around, playing, smiling, feeling it. and then i know, that's why we're doing it, and it's the reason why we'll probably keep us doing it. i'm sorry and i just want us to rock. please? it's gonna be a bad day come sunday
# posted by J.FO @ 1:13 am
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 |
hmm. i was just thinking. why are some people so afraid of being different? "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously giveother people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Nelson Mandela in a way, this pertains to being different. i don't understand why some people are afraid to be different if only to please others. why ride a wave when you can create one of your own? is it the only outcome to be rejected if you're different? fuck, no! in fact, it can be the bloody antithesis! you might be loved, exalted, worshipped for being different. if you end up riding a wave that already exists, sure, people will love you. but when more and more hop on this band wagon, it'll start getting old and soon people won't love it anymore as it crashes to the shore. then, you die along with it. i'd rather we make a new wave, ride it high, let the world take notice. then when others start hopping on it, we create a variant. no one likes to surf on a crowded beach. the point IS! you don't have to be like everyone else to be liked. AH! WHY ARE WE SO AFRAID OF BEING DIFFERENT! draw your six-gun from your pack
# posted by J.FO @ 10:46 pm
Friday, January 20, 2006 |
if Yan can cook, why you care?
Bonjour. today, yours truly will provide you with what zé mother calls "Survival Skillzzzz". on zé verge of death of starvation, zis is huat you need to do. [and to sound all French and sophisticated, i'm going to accent évêry vôwël änd pùt yôü thrôügh língúístíç héll. why? cäúsë wïth my kéyböárd ít ïs ëásy.] (HTML sucks.) FÍRST: gët yöúrsélf ä göód tëáçhër/ïnstrúçtör ín cásë yóü scréw üp. (get an instructor) LÓÖK Ï FÓÜND ÖNË: (look i found one)  [okay, the accent thing is really tiring. NO ACCENTS.] so madam, what culinary delights would we be creating today? 
SOUNDS GREAT. let's go let's go! hey ho! hey ho! so what do we need? flower, merlk, barter, chis, sawlt, pustar, hem, spies, source pen, layderl. with my retard mode off: flour, milk, butter, cheese - preferrably cheedar or mozeralla, salt, pasta [i used tortellini], ham, spice, a sauce pan and a wooden ladel. wait it's not a ladel. it's the big wooden spoon. SO. first boil the pasta. when they're ready, drain them and put them to a side cause you'll be needing them later. wtf of course you'll be needing them later, yóu're going to EAT them. 
then, put some ham into ze oven. bake them till they turn golden brown and crispy. or you can fry bacon too. now take your butter and shove it! or you can put it in your pan. AND THEN. wait for it to melt then put your flaaaarrrr [flour] in. mix mix mix. then add a little milk. then stir stir stir. keep doing this until you get a cream like consistency.
SO. add the susu. sikit by sikit. CHEY AKU CAKAP MELAYU SIAL.
so to get the right consistency you should get this! 
now put your cheese. 
CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS. i don't know why some people must pronounce cheese like this. NOW. remember the tortellinis? ADD THEM IN NOW NOW NOW NOW. 
stir a bit and VOILA! 
OH YA. i forgot. you know the ham you baked/bacon you fried/pork you roasted/pig you murdered, cut it up into little shreds and put it in!  "hey hey hey! chow down now mo' fo's!"
i checked with the brother and he said: "perfecto!"
and hence, we feasted like the righteous kings of old. 
 OMG! RANDOM FISHBALL! with MEAT inside! [Meat Is Murder]   only Gir understands. light uplight up
# posted by J.FO @ 9:07 pm
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 |
my brother's sick. and when he's sick he gets hallucinations. my mom thinks it's kind of like possesion. that the devil goes into his mind and makes him see things. and today, i was just doubting God's existence. i was annoyed that my mom was so interested in this book called "Heaven is So Real!". she was talking about it non-stop and it pissed me off. and i was in my atheist mode again. (what God? we're all accidents. omnipotent beings are fabrications of the human mind to placate our curosities about our purpose. that our feeble existence does not have any meaning and we use/create God as an excuse.) but then, my mom decided to feed my brother some holy water and almost instantly, he was conscious awake from his trance. so. whoa. ya. random thought bye. glowing embers fly across the sky
# posted by J.FO @ 11:39 pm
Sunday, January 15, 2006 |
MR KRISHNA VIJAYANTHEIRAN, THE CABBIE WHO DROVE ME TO CHURCH TODAY, IF YOU FOUND MY PHONE IN THE BACK SEAT, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RETURN IT TO ME THANK YOU.what a subtle way to announce my loss don't you think. but somehow i find comfort in being phoneless. i don't really feel scared or whatever. hmm. aiya, save money also. (and i can go out late and my mom can't call me to kao bei MUAHAHAHAHA!) funny how i remember a name like that and not the four letters and four numbers that make up the license number of the cab. should i laugh?should i cry?oh yeah i forgoti don't give a fuck anymore
# posted by J.FO @ 8:16 pm
SO. let's play charades! or is it pictionary. THREE WORDS! 
+ (by the way, this just looks hot.) = ? aiyo, so difficult. i also don't know what it means. but while searching for these pictures, i also found the "super-duper hard mode" of this particular pictionary puzzle: 

=? hur hur! now kids, when you go searching for pictures on the internet, please be generally specific about your keywords. otherwise, you might end up with pictures with file names like "asr-drinks", "200412150937461c2e2.jpg" and get a fictional jet/star-fighter that resembles the Eurofighter, has 2 wing-mounted pulse lasers and 4 AIM-22-like missiles - except that they're not mounted on the wing tips which would be impossible since they're folded upwards - and three engines that might be sublight engines if this craft was meant for space travel. oh and for such a masculine machine, it has a sissy-fied name. those who guess it right get a prize! REALLY. oh no she's not a secret now but nobody cares
# posted by J.FO @ 4:41 pm
Saturday, January 14, 2006 |
really. no mood to blog. lazy la. my DotA is gone, my Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance is gone, my WC3 ROC need CD key, my Starcraft need CD key, my Red Alert 2 need CD key. thank god for the internet and it's "boundless possibilites and infinite resources". what did i want to say again. too tired to think. to vic and dom:sorry for being such a fucker and blowing the whole issue out of proportion and everything. let's just get this show on the road please?okay okay, big yawn just happened. need sleep. i've got a hungertying my stomach into knots
# posted by J.FO @ 1:26 am
Saturday, January 07, 2006 |
i don't feel like writing anything! oh but but but this happened. one day while mopping the floor... Brother Snakes: taaaaaaaaake. take it awayyyyy..... Me (thinking): what the hell?! how could he have known that song? Me: what were you singing just now? BS: i don't know. i can't remember where i heard it from. why? Me: nothing. *mop mop mop mop mop* BS: i think i heard it from you. when you were singing in the toilet or something. am i right? Me: no la! i haven't sung in the toilet for ages! BS: what's with this song? Me: nothing. *mop mop mop mop mop* BS: yes la. i definitely heard it from you. i just don't know which artist it is. Me: =) ___________________________________________________________________ but anyway, school's been okay. hoping to see, if staying was meant to be. i musn't be dormant, i musn't be complacent. i cannot and must not pause, a lack of neighbours kind of helps the cause. why the hell am i rhyming these damn sentences? so i think i should participate more in house activities. ARA ARA ARA ARA ARA ARA ARA wah damn bright.TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKETAKE IT AWAY!TAKE IT AWAY!TAKE THE MUSIC AWAY!
# posted by J.FO @ 1:47 am
Sunday, January 01, 2006 |
So this is the new year And I don't feel any differentThe clanking of crystal Explosions off in the distance (in the distance) So this is the new year And I have no resolutionsFor self-assigned penance For problems with easy solutions So everybody put your best suit or dress on Let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once Lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn As thirty dialogues bleed into one I wish the world was flat like the old days Then I could travel just by folding a map No more airplanes, or speedtrains, or freeways There'd be no distance that can hold us back There'd be no distance that could hold us backThere'd be no distance that could hold us backSo this is the new year So this is the new year So this is the new year So this is the new year HAPPY NEW YEAR
# posted by J.FO @ 3:22 pm