if Yan can cook, why you care?
today, yours truly will provide you with what zé mother calls "Survival Skillzzzz". on zé verge of death of starvation, zis is huat you need to do.
[and to sound all French and sophisticated, i'm going to accent évêry vôwël änd pùt yôü thrôügh língúístíç héll. why? cäúsë wïth my kéyböárd ít ïs ëásy.] (HTML sucks.)
FÍRST: gët yöúrsélf ä göód tëáçhër/ïnstrúçtör ín cásë yóü scréw üp. (get an instructor)
(look i found one)

[okay, the accent thing is really tiring. NO ACCENTS.]
so madam, what culinary delights would we be creating today?

SOUNDS GREAT. let's go let's go! hey ho! hey ho!
so what do we need? flower, merlk, barter, chis, sawlt, pustar, hem, spies, source pen, layderl. with my retard mode off: flour, milk, butter, cheese - preferrably cheedar or mozeralla, salt, pasta [i used tortellini], ham, spice, a sauce pan and a wooden ladel. wait it's not a ladel. it's the big wooden spoon.
SO. first boil the pasta. when they're ready, drain them and put them to a side cause you'll be needing them later.
wtf of course you'll be needing them later, yóu're going to EAT them.

then, put some ham into ze oven. bake them till they turn golden brown and crispy. or you can fry bacon too.
now take your butter and shove it!
or you can put it in your pan.
AND THEN. wait for it to melt then put your flaaaarrrr [flour] in. mix mix mix. then add a little milk. then stir stir stir. keep doing this until you get a cream like consistency.
add the susu. sikit by sikit. CHEY AKU CAKAP MELAYU SIAL.
so to get the right consistency you should get this!

now put your cheese.

CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS CHIS. i don't know why some people must pronounce cheese like this.
NOW. remember the tortellinis? ADD THEM IN NOW NOW NOW NOW.

stir a bit and VOILA!

OH YA. i forgot. you know the ham you baked/bacon you fried/pork you roasted/pig you murdered, cut it up into little shreds and put it in!

"hey hey hey! chow down now mo' fo's!"
i checked with the brother and he said:
and hence, we feasted like the righteous kings of old.

with MEAT inside! [Meat Is Murder]

only Gir understands.
light uplight up
# posted by J.FO @ 9:07 pm