yes yes we know, forza italia
yet another epic World Cup final, this time with the peculiar head-butt-cum-bowing-out of the much revered Zizou. i bet he was just bowing to the fans, to bid them adieu, then the big ass Materazzi got in the way of his polished dome and made the most of it.
yet another night of sleep deprivation and X-Box gaming and DotA and football and laughing (at my brother, you bastards). it just so happened that i cleaned the floor really well that day, so it was slippery ok? but i think i would've laughed also.
thanks to Poh, we didn't get caught for being late today. now i know...
when we went to pick up my mom from the aiport yesterday, my cousin who returned with them (who hasn't seen me in quite a while) said that i became SKINNIER. wtf? and here i am thinking that i'm getting somewhere with my lack of weight. i'm a stick boy. stupid fucking metabolism.
i think that when i'm older though i'll be saying, "stupid fucking slow metabolism."
one day, this blog will cease to have any activity whatsoever, due to the exponentially increasing boring state of my life (not as if it was interesting to begin with). STAY TUNED FOR THAT KIDS.
careful Dom, you might actually get customers who already are at the advanced stage of breast cancer.
together we're invincible
# posted by J.FO @ 7:54 pm