once again, i'm late. i'm ALWAYS late.
"you're always late," someone once told me.
ah, f*ck it.
so here's my LATE entry.
quite cool. i actually got to celebrate/acknowledge halloween this year.
went to Graham's place at Ulu Pandan. how aptly named. had a really long bus ride with Jared and Christian. we arrived fashionably late, only to see Darcy the Gandalf/Elf/Lerprechaun/Dwarven Sniper and Graham, the unconvincing incarnation of death welcoming us. i think Darcy was the one who went, "you f*cking c*ee bye! why so late?" oh well.

here's Darcy the Gandalf/Elf/Lerprechaun/Dwarven Sniper. notice how his magical staff is strategically placed in a postion to suggest that something of his is also magically huge? Darcy you perv. what's more, the tip of the staff was on fire. passionate as hell eh Darce?

i have no idea what i was supposed to be, but apparently, it was something along the lines of goth boy. this picture clearly displays my lack of comprehension of the situation at hand and my halloween identity.
so anyway, there was great food thanks to Graham's father and maid who were manning the barbequeue. Jared brought his German Wodka. and i think it was who Joce brought some Absolut. coolness. =)
so, there was Darcy the Gandalf/Elf/Lerprechaun/Dwarven Sniper,
Graham was death, Angel was a vampire, Ele was a witch,
Marie, Manda were witches too i guess [the hat gave it away], Pinky was a gypsy, Miss V.A Vanderstratten was some dead, vengeful chinese lady in a cheongsam [or was she a mama-san].
Jared was some Angel of Death/Goth Boy.
that apparently did not go too well according to Miss Vanderstratten's liking.

Christian was supposed to be a flasher. he had nothing but boxers on inside that trenchcoat.

of course, when you have a semi-gay fairy/angel and a derranged flasher, shit happens.
BAD shit.

Joce was a MAN. like OMG. what is the world coming to. also, watch as Jared fusses over his tiara. and notice how Glenn, despite not wearing a costume, looks like he's totally into his demon role.

so as the night went on, the bottle got emptier and the banter got louder. Christian brought his Bose speakers for the iPods and some hip-hop was playing before somehow, there was jazz and big band music and golden classics. we started singing along like drunks, well some of us at least.

here's another picture of Darcy using his magical staff to once again suggest something magical about himself. keep dreaming Darce.
truth or dare wasn't fun cause everyone kept talking in some weird L-language which just defeated the purpose of the game. towards the end, we all sang Ele her birthday song and left Graham's pad. and i'm never going to share a cab with Vanderstratten again cause she insists on seatbelts. like WTF man.
okay, sorry if this entry is utterly boring. i'm just too bloody tired to think of anything witty.
oh and i stole the pictures from Ele. hur hur.
your love is gonna drown
# posted by J.FO @ 2:05 am