maybe deskbound jobs ARE the future
first of all, what the hell was i thinking? of COURSE it wasn't meant for me. i'm such a self-centered narcisscistic bitch. i should go knock my head on a wall. i deserve all of this.
i most certainly do. all of it.
BURN YOUR BOOKSif there ever was something that could demoralise you into a sissy bitch, that gig was it.
AUGUST STARhail to the quartet who can get a gig and many original numbers, even though they were formed this year in July. great riffs and melodies, too bad they didn't have any real words to their songs. no wonder the songs sounded quite slip-shod. the vocalist was making them up as they went along. but still. HAIL.

hail to the band with an average age of 17. hail to the band who came out with an EP 3 months after they got together. hail to the band with an American fanbase. HAIL. Nico was great on vocals. cool bass spinning by Farris. Titus had titanic skill on the drums. too bad Sameer's string snapped. HAIL.

what can i say. tight as glue, pitch perfect, stage presence, skill, talent, ingenuity, greatness. HAIL.

well, it didn't hurt to dream. we woke up with the light of 5 suns in our eyes.

hail to you.
[pics courteousy of ELTJ aka Elsa]
mama always said
there were only two kinds of men
men who can fly and men who pretend
i told her, "mama i wanna be a flying man."
"that you may be, but for now, pretend"
pretend, pretend, little one
pretend, pretend
# posted by J.FO @ 1:49 pm