I HEREBY DECLARE SINGAPORE IN A STATE OF MUSICAL EMERGENCY.a while ago, i heard a song on radio. not just ANY song. it was "Under Pressure" by The Used featuring My Chemical Romance.
has your heart stopped beating yet?
[before i go on, i would like to say that whatever is about to be said, is my opinion. so to those who want to get all smart and just and take the law into their own hands and sue me, my family and my fish, PISS OFF.]
as you know, The Used and My Chemical Romance are good friends:
hence, they wrote "Under Pressure" as a collaborative effort. i only saw them perform it for the MTV2 concert. [you see, it's either MTV Cribs or a concert].

watching it then was already so enthralling. therefore, it's supposed to be an exclusive song right? as in, MCR and The Used are already non-mainstream bands [particularly The Used since MCR has become increasingly commercial with "Helena"]. still, they are pretty much rocking bands you like who are not tainted by the commercial, mainstream pop poison of many record companies. thankfully, they are signed to Reprise. but NOW, the song is on RADIO. like what the hell is going on? is it a desperate ploy to reach out to gain a greater fan base? trust me, MCR already has a growing number of supporters who only like them for "Helena". i admit it IS nice. but because it has catchy hooks, there are many kids who support them for SOLELY that reason; that "Helena" is catchy. the other catchy one is "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)". what these songs are doing is giving the wrong impression that MCR is just like those bands out there who incorporate pop in their work to make themselves more marketable. but really, if you have the album ''Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge'', you'll realise that those two are the lighter sounding songs. they were used to catch the attention of the neutral listener. the other songs are much darker and less kiddish material i should say. as Gerard Way said it, the album is "part horror story, part personal experiences.'' HORROR STORY. so kids, STAY AWAY. it's NOT FOR YOU. please please please, go stay away from MCR and The Used.
stop acting like you're all rebel and shit, that you deserve reverance because you know the lyrics to Helena. do you even know what Helena is about? it's about the Way brothers' deceased grandmother. please do not cheapen such a solemn song. if you see past the catchy chorus, you would feel the painful overtures that have inspired so many MCR songs. that is, if you can even see past the catchy chorus. do you even know who the Way brothers are? please kids, go back to your Good Charlotte and Simple Plan. they USED to be cool. when they first came out, they were kick arse bands. look at them now. LOOK AT THEM NOW. LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE BECOME.
Simple Plan were okay, but since their first songs were so laden with pop, they were already doomed to become the next boyband with guitars. still, they were relatively cool, i liked a lot of their songs. then they had to put "Perfect" on the airwaves. to me, that was their undoing. because of that song, the worst thing that could've happened to them did happen: they were worshipped by kids. as a result, your sales go up. because your sales go up, the marketing big wigs stuff their pockets full of cash. but for them, it's never enough. so, what do they do? they want more money. where do you get that money? from kids, of course! how do you get money from kids? why, by making your songs kiddish and pop! of course! how simple! and so, Simple Plan shot themselves in the foot, moving on to their new fans [the kids] and forgetting the people who liked them way before they even got close enough to smell a record company. so what are they now? sadly, another pop group. they won the MTV Asia Award for BEST POP ACT.

Good Charlotte. i must say. i LOVE their first album. that one was the BEST. i don't think they can make another album like that ever. that album was full of classics. that album made me admire them. "Motivation Proclamation", "Little Things", ''Waldorf Worldwide'', ''Festical Song''. anthems with meaning. songs with sincerity. then what happened? coincindentally, even though in my opinion it was their best album, it did not sell well. why? i do not know. but it should've sold millions of copies. so what did they do? they became POP. ever since ''Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous'' was on the lips of almost every candy-eating kid, i knew that Good Charlotte was going bad. but so what right? as long as they make money. ''The Young and the Hopeless'' sold much better and brought in more revenue. GOOD NEWS I GUESS. so what do you do when your pop-sounding album earns you money? you make another ONE! ''The Chronicles of Life and Death". wow! WE BELIEVE! WE BELIEVE! IN THIS LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE! MY GOD. i seriously feel for GC. they sound more boyband than ever.

Gerard, Mikey, Matt, Ray and Frank. i salute all of you for your great resolve in thrashing out one of the greatest sounds and lyrics i have ever heard. if you DO become popified, know that i will always love the work in Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.

Quinn, Bert, Jeph and Branden. Your wonderful style has entranced many listeners. you guys have my utmost respect and admiration. both your albums have distinct sounds and not many bands can pull off different elements in a new album and still sound like themselves. salutes to you. please do not become popified.
as for those who share the same sentiments, i suggest that we all go look for new bands that rock. as a precautionary measure against the popification of our current loves. the search for new sounds and new bands is on. we need to share them with each other and not the kids.
pushing down on me
pushing down on you
# posted by J.FO @ 5:48 pm