written on the wall
about me
Jonathan Francis Ong Ju-Tsiang slash Paddy
]][::that's all :D |
maystar * designs
Thursday, September 29, 2005 |
RETAINEE! RETAINEE! WHERE? WHERE? THERE! BELOW!  WAH RETAINEE SO ATTITUDE. don't stop bury me and don't look back oh baby don't stop bury me and fade to black
# posted by J.FO @ 1:07 pm
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 |
i think i can go start a retainee/re-takers club with Colin, Lan and Dom. we can call it: "ONE TIME TOO MANY"
[OTTM] check it out. Paddy the fisherman.
so goodbye to you and your life your new best friends your confidants turn my hours into days and i'll be here when you get home
# posted by J.FO @ 1:04 am
Friday, September 23, 2005 |
i like big butts and i cannot lie
i was looking through old photos when i stumbled upon a couple of interesting ones.  i realised that from a very young age, i knew i was a butt man. 
the smile says it all. stop, turn take a look around at all the lights and sounds
# posted by J.FO @ 12:04 pm
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 |
well, i'm not supposed to be blogging. Promos are here. but you just have to see Ben and Caleb's blog. HILARIOUS. lame things that are really funny and just a site full of funny shit. cool links as well, though i don't recommend Pen Island. SERIOUSLY. DON'T GO THERE. though now, after i've mentioned it, millions will flock to it. hmm, it seems that ToNFILA is catching on pretty fast. well, to those contemplating ToNFILA, no pressure but really, if you want to, WELCOME. it's not like you're going to be judged or anything. no pressure to join really. don't want to be some fad, or cult-like craze. it's just a choice. one that can be changed. not that i plan to change it anytime soon. =) i'm doing cartwheelsi'm doing cartwheels
# posted by J.FO @ 11:51 pm
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 |
oh my god. it's hilarious. to learn more about ToNFILA and it's random, fictional origins please visit Kenneth's Blog. i promise you aching sides and enlightenment. more so for ACFC members.
# posted by J.FO @ 3:57 pm
Sunday, September 18, 2005 |
random post. random post. this is on my Friendster Profile: "Saturday, September 17, 2005: since when u learn how to lie??oh pls lor..dun bluff lor..i noe tts ur brother..l0lx..edison is mine..u lyk him too izit??sorry he wun lyk u..he onli lyk mi..thanks..hope u r doin fine..n hope u wun gt fined..take care byee.."every fibre of my body was cringing in absolute horror, in an exponentially increasing snowballing effect, with the passing of each character in my eyes. no offence to the fellow ex-MacPhersonian but really, aoufasklgbIUWF;KBFAIWEFA;SIDVFAWI. i'm still shuddering. i hope you will not. and i think Liverpool will lose. oh and Colin just joined the ToNFILA club. we're going to have an initiation party for him later on during the match. ToNFILA members so far: Victor, Colin, Elsa, yours truly and anyone else who has adopted ToNFILA, even without knowing it, in one form or the other. we have yet to include other members. KENNETH you ass. you'd better join. DOM ALSO. LAN DON'T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU. hmm, maybe Da Lun would like to join us too. we need to start the ToNFILA revolution! and we sing...
# posted by J.FO @ 1:43 am
Sunday, September 11, 2005 |
I HEREBY DECLARE SINGAPORE IN A STATE OF MUSICAL EMERGENCY.a while ago, i heard a song on radio. not just ANY song. it was "Under Pressure" by The Used featuring My Chemical Romance. has your heart stopped beating yet? [before i go on, i would like to say that whatever is about to be said, is my opinion. so to those who want to get all smart and just and take the law into their own hands and sue me, my family and my fish, PISS OFF.] WE ARE IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY. as you know, The Used and My Chemical Romance are good friends: hence, they wrote "Under Pressure" as a collaborative effort. i only saw them perform it for the MTV2 concert. [you see, it's either MTV Cribs or a concert].

watching it then was already so enthralling. therefore, it's supposed to be an exclusive song right? as in, MCR and The Used are already non-mainstream bands [particularly The Used since MCR has become increasingly commercial with "Helena"]. still, they are pretty much rocking bands you like who are not tainted by the commercial, mainstream pop poison of many record companies. thankfully, they are signed to Reprise. but NOW, the song is on RADIO. like what the hell is going on? is it a desperate ploy to reach out to gain a greater fan base? trust me, MCR already has a growing number of supporters who only like them for "Helena". i admit it IS nice. but because it has catchy hooks, there are many kids who support them for SOLELY that reason; that "Helena" is catchy. the other catchy one is "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)". what these songs are doing is giving the wrong impression that MCR is just like those bands out there who incorporate pop in their work to make themselves more marketable. but really, if you have the album ''Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge'', you'll realise that those two are the lighter sounding songs. they were used to catch the attention of the neutral listener. the other songs are much darker and less kiddish material i should say. as Gerard Way said it, the album is "part horror story, part personal experiences.'' HORROR STORY. so kids, STAY AWAY. it's NOT FOR YOU. please please please, go stay away from MCR and The Used. stop acting like you're all rebel and shit, that you deserve reverance because you know the lyrics to Helena. do you even know what Helena is about? it's about the Way brothers' deceased grandmother. please do not cheapen such a solemn song. if you see past the catchy chorus, you would feel the painful overtures that have inspired so many MCR songs. that is, if you can even see past the catchy chorus. do you even know who the Way brothers are? please kids, go back to your Good Charlotte and Simple Plan. they USED to be cool. when they first came out, they were kick arse bands. look at them now. LOOK AT THEM NOW. LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE BECOME. Simple Plan were okay, but since their first songs were so laden with pop, they were already doomed to become the next boyband with guitars. still, they were relatively cool, i liked a lot of their songs. then they had to put "Perfect" on the airwaves. to me, that was their undoing. because of that song, the worst thing that could've happened to them did happen: they were worshipped by kids. as a result, your sales go up. because your sales go up, the marketing big wigs stuff their pockets full of cash. but for them, it's never enough. so, what do they do? they want more money. where do you get that money? from kids, of course! how do you get money from kids? why, by making your songs kiddish and pop! of course! how simple! and so, Simple Plan shot themselves in the foot, moving on to their new fans [the kids] and forgetting the people who liked them way before they even got close enough to smell a record company. so what are they now? sadly, another pop group. they won the MTV Asia Award for BEST POP ACT.

Good Charlotte. i must say. i LOVE their first album. that one was the BEST. i don't think they can make another album like that ever. that album was full of classics. that album made me admire them. "Motivation Proclamation", "Little Things", ''Waldorf Worldwide'', ''Festical Song''. anthems with meaning. songs with sincerity. then what happened? coincindentally, even though in my opinion it was their best album, it did not sell well. why? i do not know. but it should've sold millions of copies. so what did they do? they became POP. ever since ''Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous'' was on the lips of almost every candy-eating kid, i knew that Good Charlotte was going bad. but so what right? as long as they make money. ''The Young and the Hopeless'' sold much better and brought in more revenue. GOOD NEWS I GUESS. so what do you do when your pop-sounding album earns you money? you make another ONE! ''The Chronicles of Life and Death". wow! WE BELIEVE! WE BELIEVE! IN THIS LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE! MY GOD. i seriously feel for GC. they sound more boyband than ever. therefore kids. PLEASE. STAY AWAY FROM THE USED, MCR AND ALL THE OTHER BANDS THAT I SO REVERE AND ADMIRE. DO NOT TAINT THEM. DO NOT TOUCH THEM. 
Gerard, Mikey, Matt, Ray and Frank. i salute all of you for your great resolve in thrashing out one of the greatest sounds and lyrics i have ever heard. if you DO become popified, know that i will always love the work in Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.

Quinn, Bert, Jeph and Branden. Your wonderful style has entranced many listeners. you guys have my utmost respect and admiration. both your albums have distinct sounds and not many bands can pull off different elements in a new album and still sound like themselves. salutes to you. please do not become popified. as for those who share the same sentiments, i suggest that we all go look for new bands that rock. as a precautionary measure against the popification of our current loves. the search for new sounds and new bands is on. we need to share them with each other and not the kids. pressure pushing down on me pushing down on you
# posted by J.FO @ 5:48 pm
Saturday, September 10, 2005 |
Your Career Type: Artistic | You are expressive, original, and independent.Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art. You would make an excellent: Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic DesignerIllustrator - Musician - Sculptor The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. | [can't see? highlight the empty space below the picture.]tried to study in school yesterday. guess i did make a bit of progress. i went home and kicked a deflated ball around with Lan, Colin and the neighbour across the street. NO, not neighbour as in neighbour. as in, an actual, person-who-live-near-you neighbour. please, ''neighbour'' is a word reserved only for the ethereal. after that, in an act of spontaneity, i bathed and cabbed down to my old friend Alex's house for his birthday party. my god, his house is practically in another country. "ulu to the ma" would be apt to describe it. i wonder how he gets home from NJC. anyway, i was the only one from MSHS Pri class of 6C 2000 there. i thought he had contacted all the old guys. fortunately, i was late and didn't have to withstand much of the awkwardness. i was in time for the cutting of cake though. THERE WERE NO NEIGHBOURS. so sad. then, i played a little DotA on his computer. then, had a little chat with Alex. i remember back in Primary 6, when we were like the best of friends. i would always be going to his house, playing his computer, action figures and all the cool stuff he had. eating lunch there, doing projects. when i was in his house again, it all just started coming back. you know, that wave of nostalgia. it made me want to meet up with all the other guys from 6C again. sadly, we more or less lost contact with one another, though i have a few of them as contacts on my MSN Messenger. the good old days in Primary 6, sigh. i can still remember. it was me, Ryan Lee who went to ACS (B), the twins, Jeremiah and Joshua, the every heavy duty Nicodemus, Ian Chua the "dao-kia" [funny how it rhymes], Alex and me. we were all at the back of the class, it was after exams. we had nothing to do, all periods were free periods. so someone brought out his Contemporary English Dictionary and we decided to show one another our extensive vocabulary. Ryan went to the "F" section and enlightened us with "Fellatio". if you don't know what it means, check the dictionary. then again, it's not necessary to know what it means. i admit i was a bit of a nerd back then, so i got all excited and flipped a few pages forward to the world-reknown F-word. to me, it was a big deal. i was rattling out the various forms of the word and all the examples given in the dictionary. the other guys, being seasoned professionals barely batt an eyelid. as the giant book went around, we discovered words no Primary 6 student should know. i was thinking of elaborating, but on second thought, i'll just leave it up to your COLOURFUL imaginations to fill in the blanks.
ah, those were the days. and we all sit roundhere in our home townit's so good like thisthese are times we'll missthe memories i hopewill never fadeglowing embers flyacross the sky
# posted by J.FO @ 10:45 am
Thursday, September 08, 2005 |
TUESDAY. went to school planning to study. went a little late bet met Elsa there anyway for Penang Hawker's Fare and York Hotel. i don't know why we went so early but we had ICE CREAM to whet our appetites before that. the food was WHOA. though the portions were rather small, the food tasted great nontheless. the tangy laksa, the tasty char kueh teow [with the evil, evil see ham], the delectable kueh teow soup, the prawn mee and the sweet and creamy ice kachang. i'm not one who really likes Asian food but once in a while, an indulgence into the East won't hurt. i later discovered that eating see ham is NOT a good thing. diarrhoea later that night was testimony to that fact. anyway, had fun eating [like who doesn't?] and iknow SOMEONE is expecting a 'thank you' so THANK YOU ELSA FOR THE TREAT. dom's going to be the next vic-, er, person who's going to benefit. good luck dom. MY FIRST TIMEi went to zouk! i went to zouk! i went to zouk! like WHOA! me of all people went to ZOUK! what is the world coming to?! yes, i know. i'm rather an idiot and very unhappening to have stepped into a club for the first time. it was Seventeen magazine's 3rd Anniversary and Alyssa had invites so she invited me. woo! Christine and Amelia came along too and before long, i actually stepped inside of zouk! like WOW! well, it was quite surreal really, with an 'upstairs' and a 'downstairs'. just like how it looks like in shows like The OC. and then, the flashing lights, humangabanga disco ball reflecting all the rotating spotlights and bad bad music. it was a 60s theme and they were playing 'classics'. Randall what's-his-name [or that guy on TV] was hosting the event which also happened to be the finals of Seventeen's Miss Seventeen. they had an early trivia game and i was so eagerly volunteered by my three 'friends'. music from the 60s was played and we had to guess the artiste, or the song title. the other two contestants had all the easy ones! i had familiar ones but not the ones you would be able to put your finger on straight away. i looked like an idiot then, and had to get the crowd to answer my questions for me. i felt so stupid. oh well. i got the freebies anyway. then, the pageant began. three CJ people were amongst them dammit! Ashton, Kelly and Dell. apparently Ashton and Kelly were called up to make up the numbers as other contestants didn't quite make the cut. they were there to make it seem like it was a close call but really, since they already had contracts, they couldn't win anything. in the end, this contestant, Tisha won. i don't know if it's just me, but some contestants were really catty. bitchy, rather. hmm. 3dash1, the winners of the Straits Times School Of Rock competition gave a performance. if not for the lamer being their frontman, i'd think they're okay. he was trying to cover up his um, genetically inherited accent, although that he did well, it was still evident that it was bogus. if you heard it, you could tell that he was Singaporean. their so called talismanic song, "And If You're Gone" proved to be more pop than rock. but then again, they admitted that their catchy hooks and riffs were aimed at the pop-listening crowd. i think their drummer is really good. he made it seem so effortless. he was the one keeping it all together while the guitarist/vocalist was struggling with his sore throat and the bassist could only be heard by the ants centimetres away from the amplifier. maybe they didn't have the best of soundchecks. they played a second song, maturely titled "My Crush". power chords, the usual progressions. i bet they didn't play that song for the competition cause it was your usual pop-punk song. doesn't catch your attention the first time you hear it. anyway, one good thing was that they were tight. oh well, don't really think much of them anyway. so, whatever 3dash1. maybe my expectations were too high. when the pageant ended, it was supposed to be a 'party'. but NO ONE was dancing. then again, the music was still BAD. so who could blame them. so we left for great world for some Maccas. that was when the damn diarrhoea reared it's ugly head. i had to go relieve myself twice. damn see ham. like whoever thought of opening a tightly shut shell fish and decided to eat it's contents anyway? i mean, do you open this thing from the sea, probably covered with mud and seawater. after much effort you finally open it and see a mass of bloody tissue, probably squirming. at which point of that ordeal do you go, "FOOD!"? i guess it's an acquired taste. if it is then, it's one taste i do not wish to acquire. had fun though. HEE. the fire department couldn't drown the citythey didn't even try to wash it clean
# posted by J.FO @ 11:04 am
Monday, September 05, 2005 |
just came back from school. soccer with Ash, Dalun, Paki and other mates. i suck. must save my words for the oncoming onslaught later. so here it is. I Don't Know. second time performing. ALIVE + LOUD '05. i must first thank Jude and Nick Pat for all they did for I Don't Know. they are like the crux of IDW. enjoyed playing with you dudes. fabulous stuff. as for Dom. IMPROVE SOME MORE DAMMIT. we practised weekly since July i think. we got tighter and improved individually as well. kudos to Jude for taking charge of the arrangements. he made all the calls, knew the right people. praises to Nick for improving so much since RC Superstar. dude, if you're reading this, don't stop playing man. keep going and become the master basser you can be. Jude did well too, wanted so much to impress us all with his improved finger work. YES Jude, we know you're good. don't have to keep proving yourself to us. haha, but you were great man. Dom was Dom. enough said. okay, i can't busted my band mate like that. Dom improved, albeit which much practice. it only proves one thing man. that when you practice, you become damn good. so don't stop practicing, "Werd" needs you to keep banging those drums. it wasn't a very good day to begin with. despite my valiant effots to mug in the morning, i ended up wasting it away. then, suddenly, they called to say that sound check was at 3.30. it was 2.15 and i was barely ready. i had a madness fast shower and cabbed down to bras basah complex to meet Dom and Ash Tay to get the replacement AC-Adapter for my Dime. bad news. they didn't have it. only the Swee Lee at Sims Drive had it. so we cabbed to Sims Drive and got the adapter which was FORTY BLOODY DOLLARS. i could swear right now just recalling it dammit. then, we headed down to church. the acoustics in the hall were as bad as usual. so we prayed that it would be nice enough for people to enjoy without cringing from feedback or bad volume balance. oh well. it was soon show time and we were nervous to be the starting band. usually, we would need a little warming up to get into the mood but this time we were thrown straight in. after my lame ass prayer we began with "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling. i guess it kind of got the crowd in the mood a bit. but they were SEATED. like how can you get high like that? so we got them to stand up. that was when the alive + loud got really ALIVE + LOUD. i think i looked kind of gay trying to get the crowd going. oh well, it's all for a good time anyway. and i ZHAO SIA-ED. oh my gosh. feel quite ashamed. but at least i didn't when it was time to sing, "TO NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN!" the crowd was awesome really. TP people moshed, St Pats people sang along and moshed and jumped, the rest were equally awesome and i hope they had fun. Lester said we set the mood, and i'm really happy that we did that. the least we could do for Eternal Dawn and John Klass. thanks to those who sang along, who screamed or even just smiled or clapped along. it was a blast. thanks to Lan, Colin, Victor and Kenneth for showing up. showing a little ACFC support... not to mention looked for neighbours. =) it was great. it was great. it was super. thanks to everyone who made it great. let's do it again sometime soon. =) And we singIf we're going no whereAnd we singIf it's not enoughAnd we singSing without a reasonTo never fall in loveTo never fall in love again
# posted by J.FO @ 3:28 pm