FUCK! i didn't update for the whole of November so now my archives looks like i was abducted by aliens, experimented on and probed for 30 days.
just don't have much to say i guess. or maybe i have a lot to say just that i don't want to say it.
hur hur.
will update some other time i suppose. now that i'm free and all. oh i guess i can say something: i'm gonna get my license within the next 4 months. when that happens, watch out muhfuggas. pimping big time.
but i'm leaving now so yeah what the fuck this is like one of those "live from my life" kind of entries and i realise that i've lost whatever grammar skills i've had this past month need to brush up so i'm going to leave now bye.

this is the last time i'll abandon you
and this is the last time i'll forget you
# posted by J.FO @ 6:59 pm