small change, random aims
sometimes all we need is a cool breeze, right after afternoon showers in your hair. oh wait i don't have hair. um, still. sometimes all we is some skyline, some cloud-sifted sunshine. over there you'll find it.
sometimes when all is seemingly lost, when things are clearly vague. take a step back and exit the smoke screen. all we need is little breathing space. all we need is a little air.
sometimes, when our hopes are low and our fears are high, all we need is a little patience. keep your chin up. take the hits on the cheek and push on, push hard.
sometimes, when you least expect it, if you really listen, you'll hear it.
Will you never rest/fighting the battle/of who could care less/unearned unhappiness/that's alright I guesssometimes, when we've done all we could to find ourselves out there, using all sorts of telescopes and microscopes and magnifying glasses. just look inside, and without fear nor worry nor anxiety, we'll find us there.
sometimes, we need is a little song.
sometimes, all we need is not much.
what the fuck am i saying.
a friend in need is a friend indeeda friend with weed is better
# posted by J.FO @ 8:25 pm